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Referee Pay There are 2 organizations who provide referees to EYSA clubs. U08-U12 recreational games are available to referees through EYSA at www.eysareferees.org. Select, Premier and U13+ recreational games are available through EKCSRA at www.EKCSRA.org . Pay for U08-U13 Recreational Games (EYSA)Game Level | Center Referee (CR) | Assistant Referee (AR) | U08-U09 | $15 | N/A | U10 | $20 | N/A | U11 | $27.50 | N/A | U12 | $35 | N/A | Jamboree | $10 | N/A |
For every 10 games you referee in the FALL season through EYSA (www.eysareferees.org), you'll get a bonus of $100!
(Jamboree games don't count, tournaments don't count and neither do games through EKCSRA.) Pay for all Select and Premier, and U14+ Recreational games (EKCSRA) EKCSRA pay is similar in scale. EKCSRA does NOT pay a bonus. They do pay a little more per game so the pay is very similar overall. |