EYSA Referees



Handling UIDs (Unique Identifiers)Printable

There are 2 UIDs (Unique Identification numbers) for each referee. There is the Ridgestar UID which is assigned to each referee on this website and there is the WSRC UID which is assigned to each referee on the state database of referees. The "key" icon assigns a UID in the Ridgestar database to the selected user. You must have a Ridgestar UID before you can acquire the WSRC UID for a user because Ridgestar needs someplace to store the WSRC UID in its database. The "Washington state" icon acquires the WSRC UID from the WSRC database and uses it to link the Ridgestar database to the WSRC database about this user. Ridgestar UID When you click the "key" icon to get a UID for a user on the Ridgestar website it may fail if there is a "duplicate" user already in the Ridgestar database. Ridgestar will provide an error message with the suspected duplicate data. This is almost always the same person you are trying to assign a UID to. The middle name is usually different or missing between the two names. If this is the correct person:
  1. Copy the UID in the error message
  2. Open the user's record
  3. Click on the "Administrator" tab
  4. Enter the UID into the UID field
  5. Click "Update"
If this isn't the same person, then you'll need to figure out why Ridgestar thinks it is a duplicate. Look up the person in the Ridgestar database by doing the following:
  1. Go to Administrator:Ridgestar:UID
  2. Enter the first and last name of the user
  3. Click "Show"
  4. See if you can determine why the database thinks there is a duplicate
  5. If you can determine the problem and you have a new person, you can create a new record and enter your person's details by clicking the "Add a New Entry" icon. You should then be able to continue to process this user
  6. If you can't determine the problem, email and tell him the problem or create a "Ticket" to explain the problem

Washington State Referee Committee (WSRC) UID The "Washington state" icon acquires the WSRC UID from the WSRC database and uses it to link the Ridgestar database to the WSRC database about this user. When you click the "Washington state" icon to get a user a WSRC UID it may fail for a few reasons.
  1. The person doesn't exist in the WSRC database. You will need to check the WSRC database to make sure the person is or was a referee.
  2. The person used a different name on our website than the WSRC website.
  3. The person used a middle initial on our website and not on the WSRC website, or vise versa.
  4. The person has the same name as someone else in the WSRC database.
The first step to resolve this error is to look the person up in the WSRC database:
  1. Go to Administrator:Tools:SRC
  2. Enter the first and last name
  3. Click "Display"
  4. If you get a message that multiple matches were found, you'll need to add more details to the search like the BirthDate
  5. If you can resolve the issue, you'll probably need to edit the Ridgestar data for this user. See above for how to access Ridgestar UIDs
  6. If you can't resolve the problem, email and explain the problem