EYSA Referees



Review EvaluationsPrintable

At least once a week during the season, assignors should review evaluations that come in. To see all the new evaluations:

  • Go to Assignor: Manage: Evaluations
  • Set "Club" to your club
  • Set "Status" to "New"
  • Set the number of evaluations you want displayed
  • Click "Show"

To read an evaluation, click on the "Key" of the evaluation.

  • To pass an evaluation onto the referee, inside the evaluation, set "Status" to "OK".
  • To not pass the evaluation onto the referee, set "Status" to "No".
  • Remember, you can add your own thoughts before passing the evaluation onto the referee by putting them in the "Clarification" section.
  • Once you are ready to set the Status, click "Update".

You can see the average of the displayed evaluations, by looking at the bottom of the page.