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Ref-in-Pool ConfusionThe biggest point of confusion about Ref-in-Pool: Two Different Referee Organizations!
EKCSRA (East King County Soccer Referee Association)
- Provides referee to premier, select, adult and U13+ rec games (usually a CR and 2 ARs)
- Primarily adult referees (although a fair number of youth referees for younger aged games)
- Center referees are usually experienced
- Assistant Referees will be experienced for older aged games
- Requires a Ref-in-Pool from every team that uses their services
- Referee self-assign games through http://www.ekcsra.org
EYSA Referees (Eastside Youth Soccer Association Referees)
- Has nothing to do with Ref-in-Pool
- Provides referees to U08-U12 recreational games (usually only CRs)
- Primarily youth referees
- A good training ground for new referees
- Managed by local EYSA club (Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake Hills, Mercer Island, Newport)
- Referees self-assign games through http://www.eysareferees.org
The second biggest point of confusion is the Ref-in-Pool is NOT required to be a Center Referee. A Ref-in-Pool can be an Assistant Referee for all their matches.
When people consider signing up to be the Ref-in-Pool they worry about how can they step in and be a Center Referee (CR). It's an intimidating role. What they don't understand is that most referees start as Assistant Referees (ARs or linesmen). This is a lot less intimidating and is a great place to learn to be a referee. Center Referees usually have more experience and are quite willing to help new referees learn how to be good ARs and how to become CRs. The 3 referees are a team. They support each other and teach each other during a match.