EYSA Referees



Uniform and Equipment - Starter KitsPrintable

EYSA recommends you purchase referee equipment through> (a Bellevue, WA company) or> They both have good quality and good prices.

For New Referees, EYSA recommends: 8 Piece USSF Starter Kit-> from WinnersSportswear for $50 or 7 Piece Men's USSF Starter Kit-> or 7 Piece Women's USSF Starter Kit-> for $37.55 from OfficialSports.
New referees don't need the flags contained in the larger kits.
Referees do need a Sports Watch with stop watch functionality. We recommend buying a sports watch from or Target or other retailer. The watch needs to have timer functionality to count upwards from 0.

Optional Equipment includes: Data Wallet-> to help keep your score card dry. (You don't need "Report Forms", just a piece of paper to record the score) Flipping Coin,-> but a quarter works fine. Flags,-> but you won't need them until you are a center ref for a game needing ARs. This probably won't happen until you are in your second or, most likely, third year of ref'ing. Bag-> to carry your extra equipment, but most people have bags they can use.

These items may be purchased through Winners Sportwear-> or through OfficalSports.->
We are assuming the referee has soccer cleats, paper and pencil.

Very Basic Equipment for New Referees
For referees who want to try out being a referee and plan on officiating only the U08-U09 recreational games, EYSA doesn't require official uniforms. You can referee with just a T-Shirt, Whistle and Sports Watch with stop watch functionality.

We recommend buying a sports watch from or Target or other retailer. They can be found cheaper at these locations and are just as good.

Last Updated August 2, 2020